
Policy 840: Leaves of Absence

Policy Number: 840

Date Approved: 09/03/2024

Executive Responsibility: Executive Committee

References: Wright State University Policy 8430

840.1 Policy for Students

A leave of absence may be granted for academic, medical, personal, or parental reasons. Requests for a leave of absence must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions. In most cases, leaves do not exceed one year.

840.1.1 Types of Leave

Academic Leave of Absence – An academic leave of absence may be granted to students in good academic standing pursuing research or related scholarly activity. A leave of absence in excess of one year requires the approval of the Student Promotion Committee (SPC).

Medical Leave of Absence – A medical leave of absence may be granted to enable a student to seek treatment for a health-related condition that interferes with the student's ability to participate in the educational program. Students who anticipate an absence of ten (10) days or more must request a medical leave of absence and submit a letter from their physician. Students will be required to provide documentation from a health care professional indicating that the condition has been successfully treated and/or managed before returning to BSOM. BSOM may require an independent clinical evaluation to determine a student's physical or mental health status before returning.

Personal Leave of Absence – A personal leave of absence may be granted to enable students to take time off, in special circumstances, for reasons unrelated to health or academics. A leave of absence in excess of one year requires the approval of the SPC.

Parental Leave of Absence – A parental leave of absence of up to eight (8) weeks will be granted to a student who becomes a parent (including foster/guardianship). The student must notify both the Associate Deans for Medical Education and Student Affairs & Admissions to initiate their parental leave of absence. Key personnel in the Department of Medical Education and Student Affairs & Admissions will work with the student to create an “academic makeup plan” to ensure that missed required modules/clerkships/ electives are completed. The plan will consider the implications for registration, financial aid, and progress towards graduation. The plan should be completed and approved by both the Associate Deans for Medical Education and Student Affairs & Admissions at least three (3) months before the anticipated due date or date of adoption. Any deviation from this timeline is subject to the discretion of the Associate Deans.

840.1.2 Procedures

Students who are not in good academic standing and request an academic, medical, personal, or parental leave of absence, or permanent withdrawal, will be reviewed by the SPC at the next scheduled meeting to determine the student's academic status at the time of re-entry or need for voluntary withdrawal from BSOM. If that committee grants a leave of absence, it may require specific actions to be completed by the student as a condition for return to classes at a later date.

The student is responsible for initiating determination of the financial consequences of taking a leave of absence. For example, financial obligations regarding tuition payment and loan repayment as well as scholarships and grants need to be reviewed with the Manager of Financial Aid in the Office of Student Affairs & Admissions.

Students who have been granted a leave of absence are responsible for notifying, in writing, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Admissions of their intention to return to classes on the appointed date no later than two (2) months before the start of classes. If not so notified in writing, the student's place in the class may be forfeited. Re-entry into BSOM would require re-application through the usual admissions process.

Upon re-enrollment following a leave of absence, the student will be subject to all policies and procedures that pertain to the class they are joining. Those policies and procedures may differ from those that apply to the class in which the student initially matriculated.

840.2 Policy for Faculty and Staff

BSOM follows the Wright State University Policy 8430 for Leaves of Absences.

Last edited on 09/05/2024.