
Building and Maintaining Strong Mental Health


Medical student and resident resilience is a trending topic among medical schools and healthcare employers as evidenced by the on-going research and program development. Areas that have been found to contribute to resiliency and wellness include:

  • Resilience in Medical Education: What is it and why is it important? Does it impact patient care?
  • Self-awareness: What makes you happy? What do you fear?
  • Compassionate Communication: Connect your values to your life
  • Dealing with Difficult Emotions in Medical School
  • Setting Boundaries: Learn to say no
  • Sympathy – Empathy – Compassion
  • Self-compassion: Avoiding burnout
  • Maintaining Motivation and Finding Meaning
  • Attitude of Gratitude: Integrating positivity into your life
  • Freedom in Forgiveness: Becoming unstuck
  • Mantras, Meditation, and Yoga
  • The Art of Expression: Discover how our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies that attract like energies into our lives
  • Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
  • Cooking Healthy Class
  • Eating Healthy on a Budget
  • Stages of Group Processing and Team Building

Building and Maintaining Strong Mental Health

Group 1: Resilience

Group 2: Stress & Relaxation

Group 3: Mental Health

Group 4: Nutrition

Group 5: Physical Fitness and Recreation

Group 6: Building Community

On-campus Student Support Resources

Off-campus Student Support Resources

Last edited on 09/05/2024.